
Swap coin A to coin B


The swap command is the main part of the application. It allows you to swap two coins at the best market rate.


/swap coin-from: coin-to: amount: address:


/swap coin-from: ltc coin-to: xmr amount: 1 address: 888tNkZrPN6JsEgekjMnABU4TBzc2Dt29EPAvkRxbANsAnjyPbb3iQ1YBRk1UXcdRsiKc9dhwMVgN5S9cQUiyoogDavup3H

This command will swap 1 Litecoin (LTC) for Monero (XMR) and will send it to 888t...up3H


This now lets us know about the chosen provider AlfaCash . The amount we will send 1 LTC , the amount we will receive 0.609 XMR and finally the address that we will have to send the funds to. In this case MK3nziY2gHSaEHk9qVraVR4L7C1HajkgX8.

We also get a tracking link by clicking on the New exchange. In this case it will take us to https://www.alfa.cash/process/18f77c23d694ddaa4ae3157bdfa17319

Last updated